Foundations REST API Developer Reference

Feature Console

Allows manipulation of Feature Console via the Salesforce REST API. Features and steps can be enabled or disabled. Information can be retrieved about the current state of features and feature steps. features and feature steps and perform actions on them.

Request URL

The following URLs are available to use:

  • /features - Returns the enablement status for all features.
  • /features/featureName - Returns the enablement status for a specific feature.
  • /featureSteps - Returns the enablement status for all feature steps.
  • /featureSteps/stepName - Returns the enablement status for a specific feature step.
  • /enablements - Creates a Feature Console enablement record to enable or disable a feature or feature step.
  • /token - Creates or updates Web Flow Authorization OAuth access token with the specified value.
Request Keys

The following keys are available to use with /enablements:
  • featureName - The name of a feature.
  • featureStepName - The name of a feature step.
  • operation - The operation to perform, either enable or disable.
  • options - Non-persistent data that is used when performing or reverting the feature step, such as user selections for optional actions. Several feature steps support this parameter, such as Action Overrides, Update Field Help Text, and Update Context-Sensitive Help Page. Use a JSON list to specify the actions you want to perform.
    For example, when enabling an Action Overrides step that contains six overrides, you could specify that you want to only enable three overrides.
    If this parameter is null, all actions are performed. The value of this property is ignored for other step types, disabling feature steps, or enabling and disabling features. When you disable a feature step that was enabled using an option list, all previously performed work is disabled.
featureName is not required to enable or disable a feature step. Namespaces are required when referencing features and feature steps.


URI /services/apexrest/fferpcore/featureConsole/v1.0/*
Description Retrieves information for an existing feature or feature step.


URI /services/apexrest/fferpcore/featureConsole/v1.0/*
Description Stores the Feature Console's Oauth access token into custom settings.

Sample Code


// PUT Request
    "accessToken" : "<ACCESS TOKEN>",


URI /services/apexrest/fferpcore/featureConsole/v1.0/*
Description Performs an action on an existing feature or feature step. Requests on a feature step that creates or updates org metadata must be submitted twice. The first request updates the activation record to mark the feature step as "In Progress". The second request performs the callout to the Metadata API. To determine whether this applies to the target feature step, check the PleaseResubmit value in the response to the first request.

Sample Code


// POST Request 1
    "featureStepName" : "fferpcore__ErpLightningPageAssignments",
    "operation": "enable",
    "options" : "[\"fferpcore__companytaxinformation__c\\nView\\nLightning Experience\",\"fferpcore__company__c\\nView\\nLightning Experience\"]"

//POST Response 1
    "Success": false,
    "PleaseResubmit": true,
    "Messages": null

//POST Request 2
    "featureStepName" : "fferpcore__ErpLightningPageAssignments",
    "operation": "enable",
    "options" : "[\"fferpcore__companytaxinformation__c\\nView\\nLightning Experience\",\"fferpcore__company__c\\nView\\nLightning Experience\"]"

//POST Response 2
    "Success": true,
    "PleaseResubmit": false,
    "Messages": null
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